Hi, my name is
Yusha Tahlil. I build things for the web.
As a Full Stack Developer, I’m passionate about coding and problem-solving. Proficient in React and frontend technologies, I excel in backend development, crafting robust server-side solutions that enhance the seamless functionality of web applications.
01.About Me
Hello! My name is Yusha Tahlil, and during my second year of college, I felt the itch to dive into the vast world of the web. So, what did I do? I decided to spice things up and embarked on a journey to unravel the mysteries of web development. Fast forward to today, and here I am, a Full-Stack developer crafting digital wonders that come to life on the internet.
So, whether it's unleashing the power of JavaScript thunderbolts or sculpting pixels into breathtaking interfaces, I thrive on the ever-evolving challenge of creating immersive online experiences.
Here are a few technologies I’ve been working with recently:
- JavaScript (ES6+)
- Next.js
- React
- Typescript
- MongoDB
- Tailwindcss
- Express JS
- Angular
- Docker

02.Some Things I have Built
Discord Clone
Notion Clone
Expense Tracker
Social Media Website
Other Noteworthy Projects
Url Shortener
MERN Stack URL Shortener with CRUD functionality, click tracking, and update/delete options.
- MongoDb
- Express.Js
- React.Js
- Node.Js
Mail Dash
A mailbox client application that allows users to send and receive emails in real-time.
- React.js
- TypeScript
- Firebase
- Zustand
Chat App
A real time chat application built using Cloud firestore database allowing users to chat in a group.
- React.js
- Chakra UI
- Firebase
Alpha Stock
An application where users can search for US stocks, add it to Portfolio and keep a track of its Price!
- React.Js
- Firebase
- Material UI
- Charts.Js 2
Quiz App
A quiz application built using Next.js where users can play quizzes with different question categories.
- Next.Js
- Prime React
- Tailwindcss
- The Trivia API
Text Utilities
A text manipulation application with Google Translation API, enabling users to translate to any language.
- React.Js
- Material UI
- Google Translate API
Weather App
A Weather app built using React.JS which uses Open weather Map API for fetching weather data.
- React.JS
- Material UI
- Open Weather Map API
CATOG was my first project where I integrated an API. The APIs used were the Cat API and Dog API.
- React.JS
- Material UI
Tesla Clone
A clone of the tesla website's landing page which looks exactly similar as of 15th December 2022.
- Html
- Bootstrap
- Javascript
iNotes is an application where users can write notes, and it can perform CRUD operations in local storage.
- Html
- Bootstrap
- Javascript
03. What’s Next?
Get In Touch
I am currently open to new opportunities. If you’re looking to hire me or have any questions, feel free to reach out. My inbox is always open!